The following dApp-focused examples demonstrate how to use the SDK to interact with Kiosk.
Minting into Kiosk example
For every scenario using Kiosk in dApps, the user who has connected their wallet either has at least one kiosk already or you must create it for them.
The SDK supports the scenario of silently
creating the kiosk, as part of our Programmable
Assume that the mint function of the contract is:
public fun mint(coin: Coin<IOTA>, kiosk: &mut Kiosk, cap: &KioskOwnerCap){...}
When the user has a kiosk
// Assume that we have created the client somewhere else.
const kioskClient = new KioskClient({...});
const connectedAddress = '0xAnAddress';
// This function should run when the user connects the wallet.
// We should re-use the same `KioskClient` instance throughout our dApp.
const getCap = async () => {
let { kioskOwnerCaps } = await kioskClient.getOwnedKiosks(address);
// Assume that the user has only 1 kiosk.
// Here, you need to do some more checks in a realistic scenario.
// And possibly give the user in our dApp a kiosk selector to choose which one they want to interact with (if they own more than one).
return kioskOwnerCaps[0];
// The mint function could be like the following.
const mint = async () => {
const tx = new Transaction();
const kioskTx = new KioskTransaction({ kioskClient, transaction: tx, cap: await getCap() }});
// Assume it costs one IOTA
let coin = tx.splitCoins(txb.gas, [1_000_000_000]);
// A function that mints directly into the kiosk.
target: '0xMyGame::hero::mint',
arguments: [
coin, // the payment
kioskTx.getKiosk(), // our kiosk that the hero will be placed in.
kioskTx.getKioskCap() // our kiosk cap, so that the function can place or lock it.
// Sign and execute transaction.
await signAndExecuteTransaction({ tx });
When the user doesn't have a kiosk (silent creation)
// Assume the client exists somewhere else.
const kioskClient = new KioskClient({...});
// Our mint function.
const mint = async () => {
const tx = new Transaction();
const kioskTx = new KioskTransaction({ kioskClient, transaction: tx }});
// Creates a kiosk.
// We'll assume it costs 1 IOTA
let coin = tx.splitCoins(tx.gas, [1_000_000_000]);
// A function that mints directly into the kiosk.
target: '0xMyGame::hero::mint',
arguments: [
coin, // the payment
kioskTx.getKiosk(), // our kiosk that the hero will be placed in.
kioskTx.getKioskCap() // our kiosk cap, so that the function can place or lock it.
// Sign and execute transaction.
await signAndExecuteTransaction({ tx });
Borrowing an item from kiosk to do an action
// A sample function that borrows an item from kiosk and levels it up.
const levelUp = async (object) => {
const tx = new Transaction();
new KioskTransaction({ kioskClient, transaction: tx, cap })
.borrowTx(object, (item) => {
target: '0xMyGame::hero::level_up',
arguments: [item],
// Sign and execute transaction.
await signAndExecuteTransaction({ tx });
itemType: '0x2MyGame::hero::Hero',
itemId: '0xMyHeroObjectId',